Okay, here we go! :D
I have an experience with an uncontrollable shaking. It happened when I went to an english course with my friend. My friend are a member of that course and me went there as a guest of that course. In this course, you just have to speak. All the activity of this course are speaking with english in front of all the people that attending to the course. Suddenly, my name has called to take a challenge card! Actually I really wanted to speak in front of the people but I was a little bit nervous and shy. But I took it. In that card had written a question that I have to answer it in front of all the people, and of course answer it with english. So, I chose one from many cards and read it. "Hahaha!" I was laughing when I read it. That question was describing my favorite activity, sing! Actually the question was:
If you are a star in Hollywood, what a talent that you wanna have?
(yeah, the question around like that or so, I forget :p)
That's really accidentally... Hmm, accidentally accident. I mean, why could be so match the question with my favorite hobby? Hahaha, that was so funny. So, I told everyone in that room that I love to sing, but in the awkward way because my english is very messy when I speaking up in the public. Snap! Like all of my vocabularies had gone far far away from me, ugh! I hate it. But kindly, all of the people in there helped me out from my disaster speech. Oh, that was sweet ^^ And they asked me to sing! Aaaaa I'd love too!! It was my pleasure could sing for you, guys. Then, they asked me what song that I gonna sing. Again, my words in my mind flew away. And again, they helped me out with guessing the title of the song that maybe I gonna sing.
And... got ya! I remembered title of the song that I gonna sing. That is one of my best favorite song from Beyonce Knowles, "Halo"
That was my video singing in my room just now. And the video maybe a little bit dark, yeah dark, haha!
So, back to my story. I started to sing it and......
thanks God I sang it confidently in front of them and got no shaking at all :D Eh.. yeah, I closed my eyes a little bit, maybe much, haha! But I did! ;) OK! Once again but, after I had finished my song, then I sat down on my chair. Suddenly, I felt an uncontrollable shaking on my thigh and I couldn't stop it! "Oh God! What's wrong with me?" I was asking it in myself. And finally I could control it again and I got my body back. Thank you Allah :)
I never felt like that before, my thigh was shaking like crazy and I don't know why. Maybe it because at the first time I spoke my nervous didn't showing up. But my body reacted all of my anxiousness just after I had sat on my chair. Haha, our bodies are unpredictable!
Paul Auster, an American Author and director |