Tuesday, October 30, 2012

ku malu pada diri sendiri
sangat malu


Friday, October 26, 2012

What Would You Be?

 One Moment in Time-Whitney Houston

Each day I live, I want to be
A day to give the best of me
I'm only one, but not alone
My finest day is yet unknown

I broke my heart for every gain
To taste the sweet, I faced the pain
I rise and fall, yet through it all
This much remains

I want one moment in time
When I'm more than I thought I could be
When all of my dreams are a heart beat away
And the answers are all up to me

Give me one moment in time
When I'm racing with destiny
Then in that one moment of time
I will feel, I will feel eternity

I've lived to be the very best
I want it all, no time for less
I've laid the plans, now lay the chance
Here in my hands

Give me one moment in time
When I'm more than I thought I could be
When all of my dreams are a heart beat away
And the answers are all up to me

Give me one moment in time
When I'm racing with destiny
Then in that one moment of time
I will feel, I will feel eternity

You're a winner for a lifetime
If you seize that one moment in time, make it shine

Give me one moment in time
When I'm more than I thought I could be
When all of my dreams are a heart beat away
And the answers are all up to me

Give me one moment in time
When I'm racing with destiny
Then in that one moment of time
I will be, I will be, I will be free, I will be, I will be free

 so, what would you be, huh?

Friday, October 5, 2012

Jalan-Jalan Keliling Kampus..

huaaah, hari ini gw jalan-jalan keliling kampuus dong. tapi ga jalan kakiii, melainkan dengan menaiki sepedaa! :D
tapi sendirian :(
sebenernya lagi kepengen menyendiri aja sambil jalan-jalan melihat pemandangan yang hijau-hijau.
daan karena sedang merasa teramat bodoh. akhir-akhir ini beberapa hal yang gw lakuin hasilnya jadi failed. sedih.
jadi mikir kenapa gw bisa teramat sangat bodoh. kecewa sm diri sendiri? iyaa. orang lain ikutan kecewa juga? lebih mengecewakan lagi.
gw jadi sempet ga pede sama diri gw sendiri.
namuuun, karena ini adalah sesuatu hal yang ga bisa dibiarin aja, gw mencoba mulai memperbaiki diri. yaah, walaupun beberapa masih ada aja yang kelewat. failed lagi failed lagi :(
yuup, ga boleh nyeraaah!! mesti usaha teruuuuus!! jangan nanggung kalo kerjaaaa!!!!!!!!!
jangan sia-siain waktuuuu! karena "Zeit ist Geld!" :D

p.s. : mohon maaf untuk semua orang yang udah gw kecewain karena kelalaian gw akhir-akhir ini. sangat sedih sekali rasanya membuat orang lain jadi kecewa :'(